Managed Meetings
From Venue Selection to dedicated onsite coordinators, Crescor Meetings handles all the logistics and planning to make sure your business meetings are as productive and smooth as possible.
Contract Analysis and Revision
Meeting contracts are analyzed and revised to make sure our clients receive the most value possible. We believe in providing the most flexible and dynamic experiences to our customers.
Penalty Waiver
We know that business travelers often need to change their travel plans last minute and we pro-actively plan for that. We will do our best in obtaining penalty waivers so you will not get penalized for last minute changes and cancellations.
Room Blocks and Reservations
We negotiate special room rates and hold space for your meeting attendees. We understand travel plans can change suddenly and we can arrange fall back options so there are no hiccups.
Our Partners
Contact Us at (646) 502 -5432 or email